
KAUAI, HAWAII, USA, March 13, 2020 (Himalayan Academy): With increasing concerns flooding in from devotees around the world for the health and safety of our monks and island members, we are reminded of just how much love there is out there for this small band of servants to Siva. Like most, we have been following the potentially dangerous COVID-19 pandemic, and just today we heard of the first cases on our little island. Each day visitors, often more than a hundred, from all over the world arrive here. Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and the senior monastics have concluded that it is prudent to temporarily restrict access to the monastery, for the health of our island community, pilgrims, members and monks. Self-isolation is regarded as the primary strategy against this fast-moving virus. The MiniMela store will be closed. Kadavul Siva Temple will continue daily pujas for monks and members. Visitors will still have access to the sacred Rudraksha Forest.

Gratefully, all here at the Kauai monastery are well. We thank eveeryone for understanding and hope to reopen access to Kadavul Temple as soon as it is deemed safe and appropriate. In the days ahead we hope you stay protected, positive and in good health, which are important for all on the spiritual path.

PS: This morning a CyberCadet sent us this reminder that even pandemics can be transformed from boondoggle to boon, as shown by this Isaac Newton story in the Washington Post:

During a pandemic, Isaac Newton had to work from home, too. He used the time wisely.
With neither older scholars to guide him nor modern media distractions, Sir Isaac Newton came up with his most amazing works while sheltering from the plague.

The monastery is home of Hinduism Today and HPI news service.