
UNITED STATES, April 4, 2020 (Medium by Isha Singh): You’ve seen them before. They call themselves “South Asians” (maybe “Desis,” but never Indians–let alone “Hindus”). They hold positions in their university’s South Asian Club. Their parents never took them to any religious classes so they were fed a stale diet of Bollywood, Twitter, and the New York Times. After coming to college they decided to take a sociology class here and there and maybe even a Religion in South Asia class. Immediately, they form a misguided view of the entirety of Hinduism based on colonial lenses and half-baked truths, about this ancient tradition. And then they turn on their parents, friends and you. But they didn’t know any better.

Did you ever consider that these people are trying to be model American citizens? Indu Viswanathan puts this point beautifully in her Medium article, where she explains how American educational institutions are designed to strip children of immigrants of their roots and supply them with Western critical theories. These students long to be virtuous members of American society and apply these lenses to speak up for oppressed, subaltern voices in India. The only problem is that they are mistaken in who these subaltern voices really are. Of course, I am assuming that they are only misinformed and misguided. Some are pawns for forces that want to continue the oppression of Hindus.

Much more of this excellent editorial at “source”.