
INDIA, April 22, 2020 (Vivekananda International Foundation, by Prof. Hari Bansh Jha): Nepal and India, though closest neighbors, represent a contrasting scenario. Nepal has land borders with both India and China, one an open border and the other controlled and regulated; the two being the most populous countries in the world. One would have normally expected some common characteristics between India’s experience and Nepal’s narrative. However, as against India’s current tally of over 18,000 people infected by the coronavirus with over 560 deaths as on April 20, in Nepal, there are only 31 confirmed cases of coronavirus, with no deaths from this disease. Nepal is in the second stage of coronavirus like India where community transmission of infection has not yet happened as far as official position is concerned. As compared to other countries, the situation is under more effective control in both India and Nepal. Nevertheless, both countries need to be extra cautious to see that the undesirable situation caused by coronavirus does not deteriorate. Both Nepal and India have been cooperating in sealing the border to stop the movement of people from one country to the other.

It was heartening to note that Nepal’s PM Oli spoke to India’s PM Modi on April 10 and discussed challenges raised by COVID-19 and how to keep intact the supply chain of essentials like medicines, food, gas, etc. from India to Nepal. They also discussed the plight of a large number of their stranded nationals. After reports that thousands of Nepalis and hundreds of Indians were stranded at the border, the two governments have decided to care for each other’s citizens in their territories. Also, by coordinating the timing of imposing lockdowns in the two countries, the two countries maintained a high level of government to government cooperation. Finally, the silver lining is that the people of Nepal and India have exhibited unusual level solidarity in their fight against coronavirus when at 21:00 Indian time on Sunday the April 5th, they together lighted candles and lamps and blew conches in their fight against coronavirus, which sets an example at the global level.

Much more on the current Covid19 situation in these two countries at “source” above.