
UNITED STATES, October 14, 2020 (Swarajyamag by Aravindan Neelakandan): Whether it is Dharmic Darshanas, global pagan revival, study of Western philosophies and theologies from Hindu perspective, study of language from Hindu framework or resistance to monopolistic ideologies — Ram Swarup has gifted every aspiring Hindu with vision, values and tools for his or her search. The globalized environment today has created both challenges and opportunities for local, natural cultures. Among such natural cultures and spiritual traditions, Hindu Dharma represents the largest and the longest-continuing tradition. In fact, Hindus are the last standing nation of such a natural culture and spirituality.

With predatory and monopolistic forces threatening such a theo-diversity-laden ecosystem as Hindu Dharma and society, how should Hindus respond? How do Hindus interact with other cultures and be a blessing to humanity while being rooted in their traditions, and without insulating themselves? The answer may well lie with the works of Ram Swarup, who should be considered and can be considered as the greatest Hindu thinker and seer after Sri Aurobindo. In many ways, he carried forward the thinking and vision of both Sri Aurobindo and Swami Vivekananda into the future, meeting head-on the challenges of the present and showing the thinking Hindu the opportunities embedded in every challenge. And it will benefit the Hindu society to go through these other dimensions of Sri Ram Swarup as his centennial celebrations commence this year.

Much more at “source.”

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