
INDIA, January 25, 2021 (Mission Kaali): The “International Mission Board” (IMB) wants to bring Jesus to every tribe, nation, people and language. The excuse they give is “God has given His vision to the Church.” IMB wants to carry out this “Great Commission” to make disciples of all nations. The annual budget allotted for converting people in the Unreached Groups by IMB is US$175 million (mistakenly reported in some places as $175 billion).

There are 3,535 missionary families working for IMB to carry out the conversions. IMB, having its headquarters in Virginia is involved in religious conversions under the garb of social activities by sending Christian preachers to India and other countries or by contacting any locals and localities for their purpose. They had plans to send a batch of twelve seminary graduates to India to convert people but due to Covid-19 the program got cancelled.

Whatever visa these people hold in India, they are in violation of the terms and conditions of the visa. If they hold a missionary visa, visa holders cannot use it for proselytizing and can only join a missionary organization approved by the government of India. In order to be approved by the government of India to operate within the country, an organization must receive a certificate indicating it is compliant with the Foreign Contributions Regulatory Act. If they hold a tourist visa, they can only use it for non-business purposes, such as tourism or visiting family and friends. A complaint has been filed by the Mission Kaali team.