
HARIDWAR, INDIA, April 16, City AM): India reported a record 200,739 Covid-19 cases over the last 24 hours, according to the country’s Ministry of Health earlier today. Deaths climbed to 1,038, taking the total to 173,123, while total infections have hit just over 14.1m cases, according to the latest official data. The coronavirus is spreading much faster in India than anywhere else in the world. On Monday, the government revealed nearly 162,000 new infections had been recorded, followed by another 150,000 on Tuesday. Despite the surge in new cases, mass gatherings and large events are still permitted and taking place all across the country.

This week, around three million Hindus have started to come together in the north Indian city of Haridwar, celebrating an auspicious bathing day in the Ganges river. There are no restrictions at the week-long event, which started on Monday and takes place every 12 years, and officials acknowledged to local media it was impossible for attendees to maintain social distancing. “Due to the huge crowd, it is practically not possible to issue fines,” a police officer told ANI news agency. In fact, he warned that a “stampede-like situation” could arise if the police tried to intervene. As a result, hundreds of attendees tested positive on Tuesday and yesterday. Officials said around one million people were bathing together yesterday afternoon, while another million are expected to repeat the ritual in the Ganges today. Local police confirmed that nine religious leaders also tested positive yesterday, including Narendra Giri, the president of 14 Hindu groups. He has been admitted to a local hospital in Haridwar.