KAUAI, HAWAII, July 8, 2021 (Hinduism Today): Having followed the directions revealed by Lord Nataraja through their guru, yogis now blessed with the qualities of Siva may experience the blissful states described in scriptures. By remaining in concentrated contemplation, repeatedly experiencing the results of such experiences, they become one with Lord Siva, existing forever as incomparable yogis.

O, eternal sadhaka! Listen to my instruction on the levels of perfection found in this unique process of prasada yoga (the practice of raising the breath through the central energy current in the spine while reciting a specific mantra). Each day an average human goes along with their natural experiences of 30 common states of being (avasthas)–some experiences of a base nature, others more refined, and some occurring at the contemplative center between the two eyebrows. If you practice Sivayoga in such a way as to maintain only harmonious daily states of being–with ten at the center between the two eyebrows, ten at the center of the heart as well as the ten pure (nirmala) avasthas–you will attain oneness with the Lord of Dance, who is eternally present in the Golden Hall and who shines forth with the brilliance of pure gold.

For more of this translated text from Rishi Tirumalar’s Tirumantiram chapter 14, see:
