KAUAI, HAWAII, August 4, 2021 (Hinduism Today by Ram S. Gupta): Ours is a close-knit family of three generations. First are the grandparents, then our son and his wife, and our two daughters with their husbands, each of whom have two children–our grandchildren.

Many of us have been religious for decades, participating in and leading monthly puja groups, as well as going on religious pilgrimages, performing daily prayers, observing Hindu customs and rituals. More recently we’ve been involved in the opening of the first Hindu temple in our area. However, exposure to the spiritual aspects of Hinduism has been limited. Lately this is changing, through study of Vedanta books and lectures, meditation and increased self-awareness–and conversations within the family.

Recently, while discussing health issues, we all thought that studying the Bhagavad gita together over Zoom would be a good way to tap into the power of spirituality, to aid healing and to support each other morally. We embarked upon a weekly Family Gita Study Group four months ago.

More on the family’s insights at “source” here: