INDIA, August 11, 2021 (News 18 by Vinay Nalwa): As India gets ready to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Independence from the British rule, the struggles and sufferings of the natives under the Portuguese rule have somehow escaped our attention. In that context, it is time to recall the horrors of Portuguese rule in Goa, which ultimately got liberated only in 1961. Portuguese knew about Goa’s strategic position and commercial importance as a major port. Before they took over, there was a royal order to conquer Goa in 1509 itself. Goa was continuously suffering under Adil Shah’s tyrannical rule, and the Goans sought help from Vijayanagara rulers. It was in February 1510 that Timoja, the commander of Vijayanagara empire, in collaboration with Afonso de Albuquerque’s fleet conquered Goa.

But Portuguese governor Afonso de Albuquerque was interested in much more than revenues promised by the commander for this support. The Portuguese were eyeing absolute control over the entire trade revenue of the east and a major expansion of Christianity. When the Portuguese were expanding their hold, they faced shortage of manpower and resources. The long wars with Hindu rulers and growing competition from Dutch and English led early Portuguese administrators to fabricate a policy to convert Indians to Christianity to ensure assured loyalty of the natives. Soon Goa became the center for missionary activities of the Roman Catholic Church.

Much more of this history at “source” here: