HOUSTON, TEXAS, August 23, 2021 (YouTube): There are some who are born as Hindu and then there are others who aren’t born as Hindu but naturally embrace the Hindu lifestyle. And then there are those who not only embrace the Hindu lifestyle but, in many ways, even become a role model and a cultural ambassador for Hindus. In the United States, in the city of Houston, the Hindu community is blessed to have one such personality. Her name is Beth Kulkarni. Beth is a Hindu by choice having been married to a Hindu from India for more than 50 years before he passed away.

The Hindu community appreciates and acknowledges the contribution of Beth Kulkarni and has presented her several awards. Inspired by a dharmic world view that promotes inclusivity and justice, Beth’s life has been mostly about serving others selflessly and giving back to the community by spreading knowledge and love.

Watch more of her story here: