KAUAI, HAWAII, OCTOBER 2, 2021 (HPI): Hinduism Today’s latest issue has gone to press and is now available online free of charge at https://www.hinduismtoday.com/category/magazine/oct-nov-dec-2021/. You can also download our free Hinduism Today app and get the entire magazine in a mobile-friendly format for your device at https://www.bit.ly/HT-APP.

Our publisher, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, takes us on an ascent through consciousness, climbing the chakras “ladder” from one state of mind to the next higher state. He does not stop at directing us to the higher chakras, but also gives us keys to closing off the lower ones of anger, fear, jealousy and such.

Our Insight section by New York yoga teacher Eddie Stern delves into the relationship of yoga and human biology. Eddie takes us on a tour of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, with special emphasis on the five kleshas, those obstacles to spiritual progress and meditation. He offers insights into how various parts of the brain relate to mental states. He ends with a survey of what we can do to evolve inwardly: yogic disciplines, self-study and devotion or surrender to the Divine.

Did you ever hear of a temple which specializes in getting visas and passports? Neither had we, until Anuradha Goel wrote our feature on “The Unusual Temples and Shrines of India.” She has personally visited them all, and they really are unique. One temple is for people with mental disturbances, another for justice.

Our young writers (ages 11 to 18) are writing their hearts out. Rutvij Holay took on the topic of “Hinduism in the American Media,” breaking it down into three historic phases from “The Simpsons,” the Ravi era of the sitcom “Jessie,” “Phinias and Ferb” and “Mira, Royal Detective.” A great analysis from an eleventh grader. Another young writer gives a review of the globally popular game “Raji: An Ancient Epic,” complete with gaming terms you probably never heard of if you are over 15. Others write about dressing ethnically in school, the value of satsang, starting a Hindu club on campus and the state of Hindu religious counseling.

There are stories about the arrival of Paramahansa Yogananda in America 100 years ago (and his continued impact there), India’s remarkable relationship with water, and a young girl’s struggle to get Diwali to be a holiday in her school.

The popular Quotes & Quips section is filled with humor, cartoons and sagely sayings; Global Dharma has mini-stories from around the world; and Digital Dharma shares a documentary on the masterful percussionists of India. It’s a rich issue, with something for everyone.