UNITED KINGDOM, November 30, 2021 (BBC): A councillor has called on schools to offer meditation classes to disruptive pupils rather than putting them in detention. Shuguftah Quddoos, who represents the Berridge ward at Nottingham City Council, made the suggestion during a discussion about exclusion rates at secondary schools. Nottingham has one of the highest exclusion rates in England. The idea was put to chief executives from two local school trusts. HPI adds: Exclusion in the UK means the child is no longer allowed to attend school.

Speaking at a Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee meeting on Thursday, Ms. Quddoos said she was not convinced detention was the best approach for vulnerable young people. “You get a detention, and that detention becomes another one,” the Labour councillor said. “That punitive culture in schools if you are not on time, you are sanctioned, and it escalates. “It is that culture. Could we not offer other sanctions? “Rather than give a child detention, what about half an hour of meditation at the end of the day.”
