TAMIL NADU, INDIA, April 24, 2022 (Verve Times): Thirteen-year-old Rajan (name changed), a student of Class 8 in a school in Tamil Nadu’s Tirunelveli, recalls how he was told during an extra class that if he needs good marks and wishes to perform academically better than his peers, he must pray to no other God but Jesus. Not doing so will bring “failure in life and deformities to his body,” Rajan tells News18 in the wake of recent incidents of religious conversions reported from the state. Rajan’s father transferred him to a different school after he came to know about the incident. “School is not a place where we send our children to learn how one religion is better than others. This creates hatred. Many other parents were outraged on learning about it. We took the matter up with the school administration but only to see that no serious action was taken,” the father said.

A special investigation team of News18 traveled extensively across south Tamil Nadu and visited various government as well as private-run schools, testimonies of students, parents, activists and educationists were recorded that claimed how religious conversion in this part of the state is rampant. They also raise questions on how the lack of action on the state administration’s part is only fueling such practices. News18 has also found that not only in schools, but in tuition (tutoring) centers, too, some students encountered similar religious preaching. Locals and activists in the area say such incidents are becoming “more common and brazen day by day.” News18 also wrote to some of the missionaries and groups, which run schools in south Tamil Nadu asking them to comment on such allegations but no response was received.

More on this issue at source.