LALITPUR, NEPAL, August 19, 2022 (Big News Network): Devotees thronged Krishna Mandir in Nepal’s Patan Durbar Square in the wee hours of Friday on the occasion of Janmashtami. Infants dressed as Lord Krishna were the center of attraction as the nation marked the birth of Lord Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna taught warrior Arjuna the value of karma in the Bhagavad Gita. He was born at midnight on the eighth day during the waning or dark phase of the lunar cycle of August which is known as Ashtami.

Krishna Janmashtami is a festival that commemorates the birth of Krishna who is the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. The festival draws thousands of devotees from the Kathmandu valley to one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites which were once used to house kings before unification sites in Nepal. It was opened after renovation in 2018 as it sustained minor damages due to the devastating earthquake of 2015 which claimed the lives of thousands of people and caused massive structural damage to the heritage sites of the Himalayan nation. [Some nearby temples in Patan Durbar Square were completely destroyed.] The 21 gajur (pinnacle) Shikhara Style temple in Patan was built in 1667 during the reign of King Siddhi Narasimha Malla and is one of the most revered Krishna temples in Nepal. The three-storeyed shrine made up of stones, houses the murthis of Radha Krishna and Rukmini on the 1st floor, Lord Shiva on the 2nd floor and Lokeshwor/Machhendranath/Avalokiteshvara on the top floor.