NEW DELHI, INDIA, September 18, 2022 (News Deal): Sindur Khela is a Bengali Hindu ritual in which women smear sindur (a vermillion colored powder) on each other on Vijayadashami, the last day of the Durga Puja. On the day of Vijaya Dashami, following the traditional ceremony, married Bengali Hindu women apply sindur to the Goddess’s forehead and feet and present sweets to Her. After that, they put sindur on each other’s faces and exchange goodies. Bengalis believe that Goddess Durga visits Her abode on Earth once a year for five days, which we celebrate as Durga Puja. For Bengalis, Durga Puja is more than simply a religious festival. It is a celebration of a married daughter returning to her maika’s or mother’s house.

On Vijaya Dashami, the last day of Durga Puja, when the Goddess prepares to leave her mother’s abode and return to the Himalaya, a few rites are performed to say goodbye to the Goddess. Sindur Khela is one such tradition that occurs before the Goddess embarks on her trip. Because Goddess Durga is a married lady, and vermillion in India denotes a woman’s marital status, the sindur is used to honor the Goddess’s married status. During Sindur Khela, the ladies apply vermilion powder to the Durga statue’s forehead and gift her sweets before her Visarjana, which represents her return journey with her children and animals to Kailash, Lord Shiva’s abode.

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