NEPAL, October 24, 2022 (The Hindu): Celebrating the bond between humans and man’s best friend, the Nepal Police on Monday honored its service dogs as the Himalayan Nation marks the “Day of Dog,” the second day of the five-day Tihar festival (similar to Diwali). Medals were awarded to those who performed best in their field of specialization, solved the crime, gathered evidence, aided in the rescue mission, and helped catch the narcotic traders. Nepal Police’s Canine division has been organizing this ceremony annually to honor service dogs for their contribution to the force. Amongst dozens of service dogs in the division, one of the dogs is conferred with the title of “Dog of the Year” based on its role in solving the cases.

The dogs in the training school play a crucial role in the rescue missions and at the time of VVIP visits from foreign nations. “In crime investigations, our dogs play the role of tracking the criminals, locating the drugs in the border area or at the airport cargo or the place of essence, also clearing and securing the sites for VVIP movements for any possible explosives, airport securities, national level seminar, and conferences. Our dogs also are used at the time of search and rescue,” Dr. Gurung, the chief of the Nepal Police canine office said.