TAMIL NADU, INDIA, October 30, 2022 (Hindu Post): A 1,000 year old Shivalingam has been unearthed in Tamil Nadu. Hindus of the locality were elated as the murti revealed itself on Deepavali day. Shiva bhaktas thronged the place as the news spread like wildfire and pujas were performed to the ancient Lingam. A Shiva Lingam was dug out from agricultural land located near the confluence of the Kudakanaru and Amaravathy rivers. Media reports say that there was a Shiva temple in the land centuries ago and it went under the earth due to natural disasters. The message that there was a temple in the ancestral land was passed down through generations and the family kept performing pujas despite not knowing where the temple existed.

Netizens who shared the news claimed that Kandasamy, the farmer who owns the agricultural land received a divine intervention in the form of a dream. He reportedly dreamt about a Shiva Lingam being buried under the earth in his ancestral land. After Kandasamy had the dream he discussed it with Sivanadiyars in the neighborhood and with their help dug up the land. The five-foot-tall Shiva Linga with its base was found along with the murti of Nandi Bhagwan. As this happened on the day of Deepavali, Hindus were elated and thronged the place to offer worship and do pujas to the Lingam and Nandi. Revenue and archeology officers were informed as per procedure and the murtis were taken away for evaluation and research. Hopefully, they are returned soon and get worshiped as per devotees’ wishes.
