INDIA, December 5, 2022 (You Tube by Prof. P.A. Varghese): More than 2.3% of the Indian population are Hindu converts to Christianity. The largest Christian population is found in Kerala 18.4%, Nagaland 87.9%, Mizoram 87.2%, Meghalaya 74.6%, Manipur 41.3% and Arunachal Pradesh at 31% Christians. Nine states have enacted laws against proselytization as of early 2021 in India. According to reasonable estimates almost 800,000 Hindus convert to Christianity or Islam each year. Most converts to Christianity and Islam in India are the lower caste and outcaste Hindus who belong to marginalized or disadvantaged sections .

Prof. Varghese gives an in-depth talk on the activities of Christian ministries in India, the Christian population, what motivates the Christians to convert, and what methods they use. He also discusses the history of conversion in India and where much of the wealth and funding originates.

We highly recommend the full discussion, which is available at: