INDIA, April 4, 2023 (Pipa News): Hindu spiritual heads from across the country participating in a religious congregation in Ahmedabad on Monday made a list of demands, including demands from governments to “exit temples (management)” and a “compulsory moral code.” Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah and RSS Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat participated in the program organized at Shivanand Ashram in Ahmedabad. According to a release from the Hindu Dharmacharya Sabha, issues related to “challenges faced by the Hindu community” were discussed, where the religious heads felt that the content of social media, OTT (platforms) and films spread distorted information on Sanatan Dharma. has been and is “deformed sexual content” leading to crimes against women. There is a dire need to educate the youth about the true meaning and practices of Sanatana Dharma, he added.

The congregation also felt that money from Hindu temples should be for “Hindu causes only.” The release said, “Many ancient temples have been encroached upon by state governments and the funds are mostly misused. The Acharya Sabha wishes that the government should step out of the temples and allow the communities to manage them as has been done for many centuries. According to the congregation, “there is a gradual erosion of fundamental rights under the Constitution, while equal rights, in particular to establish and manage charitable and educational institutions, have been extended to minorities.” The congregation also opposed the “perception” that “Hinduism is a way of life” and that “it does not do justice to the vast body of knowledge”.

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