JAKARTA, INDONESIA, July 4, 2023 (Kemenag, Google translated from Indonesian): The Directorate General of Hindu Community Guidance (Ditjen Bimas Hindu) Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) is distributing aid worth US$1,324,319 for houses of worship for Hindus in 2023. This assistance is intended for 415 houses of worship for Hindus in 33 provinces in Indonesia. The 415 aid packages were divided into two distributions. A total of 147 was channeled through the Central Ministry of Religion budget and 268 through the Regional Ministry of Religion budget.

Prof. I Nengah Duija, Director General of Hindu Community Guidance said that the house of worship assistance program had become a routine agenda for the Ministry of Religion, but efforts were being made to optimize it. “This year we will distribute assistance to houses of worship for Hindus into 10 program categories, the aim is optimization and so that this assistance is truly on target,” said I Nengah Duija, Tuesday (4/7/2023). According to him, the assistance program for Hindu houses of worship is a form of the government’s presence in an effort to realize inclusivity in religion. “That the government through the Ministry of Religion seeks to be present in an inclusive manner for all religious groups including Hindus, so that a moderate religious life is realized,” he continued.
