UNITED STATES, August 21, 2023 (HMEC): Mandirs provide a platform to Hindus of all ages. It nurtures the community to grow together, cherish success, support in sorrow, appeal to stay united and teaches not to envy each other in any circumstance of life. The 16th HMEC conference will give Hindu leaders an opportunity to understand how in ancient times, Hindu mandirs and institutions were the anchors of the community that supported and nurtured those who lived around them. Today, we must revive this role, not just for the largely immigrant first generation Hindu community, but also for the non-Hindus who will benefit tremendously from the Hindu dharmic values. This year’s program reflects how enriching the local communities, supporting youth and seniors, creating a sustainable future for temples and priests, and advocating for Hindu values in the public arena are emerging imperatives for American temples. We invite proposals for presentations.

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