SINGAPORE, NOVEMBER 10, 2023 (News Mobile): As Singapore joins the global celebration of Diwali, the city-state is aglow with festive spirit and stunning illuminations. Singapore’s connection to Diwali can be traced back to its rich history. The island nation has a substantial Indian diaspora of approximately 650,000 as per the Ministry of External Affairs India, with deep cultural and historical ties to the Indian subcontinent. Indian immigrants, who arrived in Singapore during the colonial period, brought with them their traditions, including Diwali. According to the 2020 Census, an estimated 172,963 Hindus live in Singapore. Over the years, Diwali has become an integral part of Singapore’s cultural landscape.

Singapore has long embraced its cultural diversity, and the festival of Deepavali has become a cherished part of the nation’s festive calendar. The city’s Indian community, along with other ethnic groups, comes together to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness symbolizing the victory of good over evil by turning parts of the city into a multicultural extravaganza. During the festival, the streets are decked-up with colorful lights and decorations, and the scent of delicious Indian cuisine wafts through the air. The annual “Deepavali Light-up” along Serangoon Road showcases a magnificent display of lights and cultural performances that dazzle the senses. While the Diwali celebrations offer a captivating spectacle, traffic congestion has become a growing concern amongst commuters in Singapore. As more residents and tourists flock to the heart of the festivities, the streets of Little India become inundated with vehicles. The situation is further compounded by the narrowing of roads due to the installation of elaborate decorations.