INDIA, December 4, 2023 (Times of India): A vegetarian diet is often considered the healthiest form of diet, and probably that is why the world is embracing it. From celebrities to enthusiasts, everyone is turning vegetarian to support the environment and the body. A recent report from the World Atlas has compiled a list of countries with the highest rates of vegetarianism. According to the report, India claims the top spot, with 38 percent of its total population identifying as vegetarians. Also, it is said that India boasts one of the lowest meat consumption rates worldwide. The report suggests that there might be more reasons behind the inclination towards vegetarianism than just health and environmental concerns. As per experts, other reasons for the rise in vegetarianism could be religion, ethical motivations, economic considerations, distaste for meat and cultural influences.

India is followed by Israel, where 13 percent of the population identifies as vegetarian. The third and fourth positions were occupied by Taiwan and Italy, respectively. Austria, Germany, and the United Kingdom secure the fifth, sixth, and seventh positions on the list, each with a 9 percent vegetarian population. Brazil holds the eighth spot with 8 percent, Ireland is in ninth place with 6 percent, and Australia concludes the list with a 5 percent vegetarian population. [according to Wikipedia, the US ranks 36th, with 4.2% vegetarians, and Russia last with 1%. The worldwide percentage is estimated to be 10%.]