DELHI, INDIA, January 10, 2024 (News 18): The grandeur of the Ram temple is a sight to behold. Neither iron nor cement has been used to build the temple. To make the temple earthquake resistant, natural stone has been used in building the temple. Professor Ramanchrala Pradeep Kumar, Director of the CSIR-Central Building Research Institute (CBRI), Roorkee, commented on the construction of the Ram temple, saying, “We have used stone because its life is much higher than other construction materials. The Ram temple was built using extremely malleable stone. Iron has been avoided because it rusts. Additionally, we have made sure that the temple’s structure is resistant to earthquakes.”

The Ram temple was constructed using a unique aspect of the stone carving. Every stone used in the Ram temple has a groove cut into it; the adjacent stone is then interlocked into the groove. In the same vein, there is no cement between any of the stones in the Ram temple. All of the pink stone used in the primary construction of the Ram temple comes from Bansi Paharpur in Bharatpur, Rajasthan. It is thought that pink stone has a longer lifespan, in addition to being stronger.