HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA, February 3, 2024 (Hinduism Today YouTube Video): “A Visit to the Hollywood Sikh Temple” is intended to assist in the presentation of the Sikh religion in California 7th grade social studies classes. The temple was founded in 1969 by Dr. Amarjit Marwah on the 500th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak. The present building was completed in 1996. A small group of students visited the gurdwara (House of the Guru) and were asked to remove their shoes, wash their hands and don head coverings. A temple guide then explained the three key principles of the Sikh faith: Remember God in everything you do, share with others before you share with yourself and earn an honest living by being honest. The students were given an overview of the origins and beliefs of the Sikh faith as they toured the temple.

This ten-minute video is part of a project of four temple tours in the Los Angeles area: Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh and Jain. It has been reviewed and approved by the temple’s management for publication on YouTube.

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