GUYANA, January 25, 2024 (Stabroek News): The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS) on Sunday celebrated its 50th anniversary at the Pandit Reepu Daman Sanskritik Kendra in Ganges St, Prashad Nagar, Georgetown. President of the Sabha, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, joined the procession of the praants and mandirs from the Shri Krishna Mandir, in Campbellville, Georgetown. Thousands of people from various regions joined the procession celebrating the milestone. After the procession, a symbolic diya was lit by Dr. Persaud. She was accompanied by leaders of the various organizations and Guyana’s President, Irfaan Ali. The program featured songs, dances, and greetings from across the country.

President Ali in his remarks noted that in understanding the GHDS, one must understand the significant contributions the Sabha has made to the country. He posited that the Sabha has helped to restore democracy and built the pillars for peace and unity. “This organization has produced for us some of our finest diplomats, doctors, lawyers and ministers. If we look at the leadership of this organization, it has produced good leadership, because of its guiding principles.” Ali said that the Dharmic family is one that can be trusted because of the teachings of the founder, the late Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud. Meanwhile, Dr. Persaud asserted that the Sabha will continue to serve under its motto, “Action thy duty, reward not thy concern.”

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See also:
Hindus from across Guyana representing Mandirs, Praants, Naujwaan and Mandalee participated in the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha’s magnificent procession for its 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Guyana’s President Dr. Irfaan Ali highlighted that the Sabha has significantly contributed to local development and nurturing many youth.