YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA, February 29, 2024 (Tempo.co, Google translated from Indonesian): Hundreds of Hindus from the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) and Central Java took part in the Galungan procession in the Prambanan Temple area, Yogyakarta, Wednesday, February 28, 2024. This Galungan moment was held to commemorate the creation of the universe and to give thanks for what has been given by Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa (literally “The Divine Order,” the Supreme God of Indonesian Hinduism.) This procession is carried out by presenting offerings and prayers from the main zone of Prambanan Temple. During the procession, Hindus offered prayers in the courtyard of Prambanan Temple and cleansed the temple through offerings and sprinkling holy water. After that, the stakeholders gave offerings in the temple hall, and continued with group prayers.

This year’s celebration of the Galungan procession at Prambanan Temple is the third since the issuance of the Memorandum of Agreement of Four Ministers and Two Governors regarding the Utilization of Prambanan Temple and Borobudur Temple for the Religious Benefits of Hindus and Buddhists throughout the world. Hindu Community Guide (Pembimas) DI Yogyakarta Didik Widya Putra said, at this Galungan celebration, Hindus commemorate the creation of the universe and its contents. According to the lontar (palm leaf) document Purana Bali Dwipa, Galungan Day was first celebrated on the Full Moon of Kapat (Kliwon Dungulan Buddha) in 882 AD or Saka year 804. According to Didik, this is interpreted as a day of victory for Dharma (goodness) against aDharma (badness).
