BALI, INDONESIA, March 11, 2024 (SCMP): March 11, 2024 is Nyepi Day, the Balinese New Year, a time of silence and inactivity, to confuse demons and drive them from the island. Imagine a celebration where, for 24 hours, no one does anything – and if they do, they’re likely to be fined. Residents (and tourists) are forbidden from leaving their homes (and hotels). No one sings, dances or listens to music. People refrain from daily activities and chores, public transport is suspended and all vehicles, except emergency services, are banned from the streets. The Balinese Hindu festival of Nyepi marks the start of a new year and is so strictly observed that even Ngurah Rai International Airport ceases operations, making it the only airport in the world that closes all day for religious reasons.

The Day of Silence begins at 6am on March 11 (this year) and lasts a full 24 hours. The belief behind this somewhat extreme behavior is simple enough – plunging Bali into darkness is intended to deceive demons and evil spirits into believing the island is uninhabited so that they move on elsewhere. Pengerupukan, a ritual based on Balinese mythology, takes place on Nyepi Eve and involves flamboyant processions, traditional dances and the “ogoh-ogoh” parade. The deafening din is designed to banish negative forces before a day of self-reflection, introspection and purification. For tourists, the key to a smooth Day of Silence is forward planning. Be sure to have enough food and water on hand – if possible buy items two days in advance as queues are long on Nyepi Eve. Have a good book and a yoga mat ready, load films onto your laptop and withdraw cash from the ATM a couple days beforehand as bank machines will be turned off to prevent hacking. Not that there will be anything to buy as shops, bars and restaurants all close, too.

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