
BASSE-POINTE, MARTINIQUE, WEST INDIES, May 16, 2024 (France Antilles, Google translated from French): At the initiative of the Maha Kali association, the Hindus of Martinique organized last weekend the festival of their main divinity: Mariamman. The event took place at the Moulin l’Étang temple. The association, whose objective is to promote Indian culture, welcomed the pujari Sundaram Hariharan from the island of Reunion and Arunachaleshwara Natha, a Martinican who lives in Canada. These two guest personalities brought an international touch to the event. Arunachaleshwara Natha, Julien Théophile, is originally from Martinique and has lived in Canada for 27 years. He is a doctoral student in religious sciences and has practiced Hinduism for around twenty years. He visited India several times where he was introduced to Brahmanical traditions. “Hinduism is very present in Canada,” he says. “Hinduism practiced in Martinique is very old and comes from remote villages. It has retained its authenticity to a large extent and is rooted in Goddess worship.” The pujari Sundaram Hariharan, Bruno, comes from Reunion Island. He completed a course of study on religion, as well as sacred texts, with priests in Tamil Nadu.

The festivities began on Friday, at 8 a.m., with the fire ritual to honor Ganesh, to remove obstacles, and was followed by another ceremony called puja. From that moment on, a series of mantras began at a rapid pace, accompanied by numerous offerings of flowers and fruits. The festivities continued on Saturday with a rudra homan in honor of the God Shiva with a view to obtaining blessings. On Sunday, all day long, the Devi homan was the highlight of the demonstration. It started at 7 a.m. with the great procession of the Goddess Mariamman. The goal was to honor the supreme Goddess in order to obtain numerous graces including “victory and success in all areas.” A common point is the omnipresence of the spirit of sharing with everyone. These Hindus are vegetarians and their offerings consist of fruits and flowers.

Colorful slideshow at source.