KAUAI, HAWAII, July 22, 2024 (Hinduism Today April/May/June 2024 issue, Letters page):

Kudos to Hinduism Today!
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of watching the World Hindu Congress 2023 event online, which took place in Bangkok. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to hear Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswamiji’s speech. He provided valuable insights into the remarkable history and extraordinary contributions of Hinduism Today since its establishment in 1979. I also want to extend my congratulations to your entire Hinduism Today magazine team for receiving the award at the event. Your tireless dedication to nurturing the spiritual and social movement is highly commendable. Balakumar Muthu

Save Sharada Peeth
Choodie Shivaram’s article describing the rebuilding of the Mata Sharada temple and its pratishtapana in 2023 at Teetwal in LOC Kashmir instills pride in the heart of every follower of Sanatana Dharma. It is elaborately and eloquently written, with geographical context, photos and history, giving the reader a clear view of the situation prevailing in Kashmir over the centuries and describing the ideal of harmony between all communities, too good to be true. The work of Save Sharada Peeth committee is truly commendable, kindling the hope and possibility of Sha­rada Peetha Yatra as a reality in the near future. Meenakshi Mohan

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