FORTWORTH, TEXAS, July 11, 2001: The Christian news service “Crosswalk” published today the following report: “A militant Hindu hate web site displaying the names of international evangelists, secular and Christian scholars from India, and other ‘enemies of Hinduism’ on its ‘hit-list’ was back online after it was salvaged by a radical Jewish organization in Brooklyn, New York. The Web site calls on militant Hindus to commit violence against the men and women listed. Earlier in June, its service provider, Addr.com of Greenwood Village, Colorado, had pulled the plug on ‘hinduunity.org’ after receiving complaints that it instigated violence and hatred toward Muslims and Christians. The Hatikva Jewish Identity Center intervened because of their common hatred of Muslims and helped put the Web site back on the Internet. The Hindu Web site is advertised as the official site of the Bajrang Dal, the militant wing of the Sangh Parivar (Pro-Hindu Family). It lists well-known evangelists like Benny Hinn, who is described as ‘a Baptist evangelist who goes to countries around the world, especially those with large Hindu populations and preaches about “the evil of Hindus and Hinduism.” ‘ It goes on to exhort all self-respecting Hindu soldiers ‘to stop his gathering by all means possible.’ Pat Robertson ‘cannot be forgiven nor can his speeches be forgotten. He is truly a devil out to destroy something as pure as Hinduism,’ the site says.”