SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, July 28, 2001: A newly constructed Hindu temple, Mukti-Gupteshwar Temple in Minto, has been denied permission for public worship or social functions under a city council decision labeled as blatant racism. The Campbelltown council decided against allowing conversion of this massive “private” shrine for public worship. Mayor Jim Kremmer opposed the rejection of the application, describing it as “racism.” “It is absurd as 95 percent of the building is finished,” Rama Misra, whose husband Prem Misra owns the temple said. Besides the “traffic congestion” and “blight on landscape” pleas, the objecting councillors have said the Misras tried to deceive the Campbelltown City Council by constructing a religious shrine on a land lot which they intended to use personally. One councillor, Bob Thompson said that the application did not comply with zoning laws. The Misras hope a peaceful demonstration would urge the council to reconsider.