Source: Cybernoon

MUMBAI, INDIA, August 6, 2001: For the overseas devotees of the elephant-headed Lord of the Siddhi Vinayak Temple here, the decision to make the auspicious arati and puja ceremonies in the temple going on-line, is a reason to rejoice. The temple trustees have joined hands with to uplink the live Angaraki Puja to be held tomorrow (Tuesday, August 7), on their official website. The chosen day to go on-line is doubly auspicious as the Sankashta Chaturthi, the fasting day for devout Ganesh bhaktas, coincides with Tuesday, the traditionally auspicious day for Lord Ganesh. Sanjay Bhagwat, trustee and executive officer, says, “We get a lot of donations in dollars from non-resident Indian devotees. So we thought if they can see us performing the Ganesh arati live, that we can serve them better.” Ashok Nadkarni, the web developer for the site concurs that the site is most suited for the ones living in far-off lands. “We have e-mails thanking us because students can now see the Lord before going for their exams,” says Nadkarni.