Source: Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, August 10, 2001: Deciding that the act of human cloning will be treated as a felony with violators receiving up to ten years in prison, the U.S. House of Representatives has received varying opinions from the public. Other countries have not followed suit to date, and as a result an Italian doctor and a U.S. researcher have announced they will be implanting cloned human embryos in 200 women in the near future. Soliciting advice from six spiritual leaders, the Inland Valley Times has asked if “it makes sense to make human cloning illegal here when it will take place in other countries.” Three of the six leaders expounded differing views from Christian sectors. A pastor of the Faith Lutheran Church said that, “the evil we seek to avoid is going to happen anyway.” Upholding scientific research, the reverend of a United Methodist Church said, “the technology hasn’t been perfected well enough to justify cloning human beings.” Representing the Catholic view, a priest elucidated on the “intrinsic value of human life.” An atheist compared cloning to blood transfusions and organ transplants and saw no need to oppose human cloning. Feeling that upholding the law is the most important, a Religious Science reverend trusts that God will guide humanity on this important issue. The Hindu Sector was represented by Prithvi Raj Singh of the Federation of Hindus-Associations Inc. who spoke as follows, “In my opinion, irrespective of whether human cloning is carried out successfully or otherwise in other countries, the act should not have become a felony by the U.S. House of Representatives.”