LONDON, ENGLAND, August 27, 2001: Campaigners against religious “cults” across western Europe are trying to persuade the British government to follow the French and legislate against movements such as Sai Baba and the Moonies. There is growing British press interest in the man they describe as “Indian mystic and miracle worker” to the rich, famous and titled such as the Duchess of York and an architect known to be close to Prince Charles. Commentators say this is largely because Sai Baba has a substantial European fan following, alongside a growing number of hostile and vocal former devotees who accuse him of physical, mental and monetary abuse. A new area of concern has arisen, according to The Times, which says Sai Baba has infiltrated the British school system in a dangerous “catch ’em young” policy. The newspaper says more than 500 British schools are being taught according to “Sai Baba-influenced educational programs.” Anti-cult campaigners say that their cause has been strengthened because UNESCO pulled out of an educational conference at Puttaparthi last year. They say that if the French legislation is followed by other European countries, it could eventually become European Union law and would severely limit the activities of movements such as that of Sai Baba.