THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, INDIA, August 29, 2001: Collapsing wells and colored rain in many parts of the State of Kerala has led to speculation as to the cause by layman and scientist alike. Dr. Rajasekharam has taken a different and more traditional approach to the phenomena. After studying an ancient Sanskrit text called Charaka Samhita on Ayurveda, dated over 5,000 years ago, it was revealed that vanishing wells, red showers, rings around celestial bodies, meteorite landings, and other unusual happenings have a significance. According to the text, “Such incidents could be triggered by an imbalance in the environmental equilibrium possibly by human intervention.” As Ayurveda treatises emphasize the harmonious correlation between man and his environment, the imbalance as indicated by the unnatural phenomena could be attributed to pollution. Dr. Rajasekharam has recommended that studies concentrate on atmospheric conditions as revealed in the Charaka Samhita. Presently, studies by scientists have focused on geological factors.