Source: Religion Today

NEW YORK, USA, September 27, 2001: Now that the burning, collapsing towers aren’t being flashed across TV screens every few minutes, some in the relief community fear America will begin to forget. Larry Jones, founder of Feed the Children said, while everyone is stepping forward today, he is concerned about next week and next month. Just hours after the terrorist attack in New York, Chaplain Bob Vickers was in “the spiritual emergency room,” as he called it, created in the moment at the local hospital. “The crush of human need is indescribable,” said Vickers. People from all walks of life and faiths — Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu — needed help. The article does not mention Hindu ministers doing this kind of work, but the need is there on a continuing basis and the local temples, ashrams and societies should find ways to continue to help people through a long process of healing and rebuilding.