SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA, October 4, 2001: A new effort called the Presidential Prayer Team is registering tens of thousands of Americans of all religions to pray for President Bush and the nation in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. “We have 140,000 people that have come over the Internet, signing up their commitment to pray daily for the president,” William Hunter, president and founder of the initiative, told Religion News Service on Monday (October 1). The team’s work is endorsed by Christian leaders and Mission America, a consortium of evangelical denominations and ministries, but Hunter hopes it will be an interfaith prayer effort. “From the very get-go, we have set it up to be for all faiths,” he said. “We want anybody involved that prays to the God of our universe to be involved in prayer.” During the last week of September, as many as 25,000 people signed up in one day. “Our goal is to have 2.8 million — that’s 1 percent of the U.S. population — praying for the president each day,” Hunter said. Click “source” above to access the site.