CANDLER, NORTH CAROLINA, October 13, 2001: Inspiring us all to honor and cherish our ancestors is Maya Ma’s message. She offers simple and heart-warming ways that we can do so, such as “Making a conscious effort not to injure, pollute, or otherwise compromise the earth, her rivers, animals, plants, and environment.” When we give of ourselves, our time, energy, and money, our ancestors are pleased and bless us now and assist us when we make our own transition. Maya Ma also shared her vision of the many lost souls after their tragic death at the World Trade Center. Quoting her words,” It is the spirits of the ancestors who come to guide our shed bodies onto their journeys as we begin our ascent into deep space.” She feels that our ancestors are not pleased with our pursuit of wealth and our neglect of the human spirit in all beings. In her appeal, she motivates each of us to honor our ancestors on Pitri Paksha, which falls at the end of September or the beginning of early October.