USA, October 29, 2001: When the Seattle Times book review raved about “a stunning example of a true insider — in this case, a fourth-generation Montana cattle rancher — turning the tables on a bloated industry he once embraced,” they were referring to the book “Mad Cowboy” by Howard Lyman. Lyman investigated the use of chemicals in agriculture after developing a spinal tumor that nearly paralyzed him and penned the revelatory book about the beef industry that prompted a group of Texas cattlemen to file a lawsuit charging Lyman with “food disparagement.” Now a vegetarian, he blasts through the propaganda of beef and dairy interests and the government agencies that protect them, to expose an animal-based diet as the primary cause of cancer, heart disease and obesity in this country. He warns that the livestock industry is repeating the mistakes that led to Mad Cow disease in England while simultaneously causing serious damage to the environment. He tells the whole truth about the catastrophic consequences of an animal-based diet. Lyman is well aware of what goes into our livestock — high doses of pesticides, growth hormone and the ground-up remains of other animals. On a plant-based diet, he shed 130 pounds and lowered his cholesterol by more than 150 points. “Mad Cowboy” is both an inspirational story of personal transformation and a convincing call to action for a plant-based diet – for the good of the planet and the health of us all. Click “source” above to go to Amazon.com to read more reviews.