HOUSTON, TEXAS, November 8, 2001: A hundred teachers, counselors and psychologists from the Houston school districts gathered at the Strake Jesuit College to attend the first seminar on Hindu Culture And Values, held by the World Hindu Council of America (Vishwa Hindu Parishad / VHP) — Houston Chapter. Erudite Hindu scholars and members of the community sought to simplify for the better understanding of those attending, Hindu concepts of God and worship, scriptural teachings, traditions, arts, culture, family and social structures. The three-hour seminar, the first in a series of many held in the hope of promoting better understanding between teachers and their students of Hindu faith, went a long way in dispelling several misconceptions about Hindu beliefs. “This was a super learning experience,” enthused clergyman Rev. Roger D. Christman. Houston Independent School District psychologist Dr. Kellie Gray-Smith was excited about future seminars of the same. “We learned a lot,” she said. For more information email VHP president Beth Kulkarni at “source” above.