
DELHI, INDIA, November, 2014 (World Hindu News): Never before in recent decades of Hindu history has such a conference been implemented with such a far reaching worldwide scope and magnitude. At World Hindu Congress-2014 we witnessed the intellectual might of Hindu leaders. History was made when under the stewardship of Swami Vigyananand ji (President – World Hindu Foundation), World Hindu Congress-2014 was successfully organized and implemented. The sheer magnitude of World Congress was so immense that invited media representatives were seen running haywire from one conference to another as one after the another distinguished delegates from across the globe presented challenges, victories and programs aimed towards global Hindu empowerment.

The Congress was unique in terms of the spectrum of Hindu subjects such as media, women, youth, organization, business and other key areas constituting Hindu society. The presenters were subject matter experts of above said fields who have travelled thousands of miles at their own expense to attend this massive Hindu conglomeration. From the congress it can be concluded that the efforts for Hindu empowerment is in the initial phases and much more effort is required to bring Hindus and Hinduism in its past powerful glories history.

Global Hindus look forward to attend World Hindu Congress 2018 which will be held in United States under the stewardship of Dr. Abhaya Asthana (current president of Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America).

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