Source: Hinduism Today

KAUAI, HAWAII, November 24, 2001: Hinduism Today received an interesting letter from a New Jersey business with many Hindu clients. “We would like to do something for these clients around the holiday, but want to respect their religious beliefs. What should we give?” Hinduism Today replied, “Hindus in America are, by now, quite used to getting Christmas cards, gifts, etc., and take these items in the spirit they are given. If you want to be really culturally aware, you should send your Hindu customers Deepavali greetings, the major Hindu festival which takes place in October/November (November 12 this year). You can get Deepavali cards from any Indian store, and send the same kinds of gifts as you do for Christmas — cookies, candies, fruit. Be sure gifts are vegetarian. And if you want to just stay with the one season, then generic ‘Holiday Greetings and Happy New Year’ cards are quite appropriate.”