BHUBANESWAR, INDIA, November 22, 2001: At least six Hindus have converted to Christianity in Orissa. Kalicharan Behera and five members of his family converted to Christianity in Chapalli village in Kendrapara district but a Hindu organization says the family converted under duress. Subash Chouhan, convener of the Hindu Jagran Sammukhya, claimed that Behera’s in-laws had adopted Christianity few years ago, and had been pressuring Behera and his family to become Christians. Behara has denied that he had been forced to convert. “We decided to adopt Christianity,” he said.Chouhan claimed that more than 60 people had been illegally converted to Christianity in the Kendrapada district during the last few months. “We have registered cases against the persons who have violated the Orissa Freedom of Religion Act,” said district police chief Sanjaya Kumar.