
LAOS, March 18, 2015 (Global Times): A large 7th century artifact described as one of the most significant archaeological items ever found in Laos has been unearthed at a world heritage site in the country’s south, local media reported Wednesday. The discovery was made during archaeological excavations at Phou Kao, a mountain site associated with the UNESCO World Heritage Listed Vat Phou complex in the southern province of Champassak, state-run media Vientiane Times reported.

The piece, featuring carvings of figures from Hindu scripture and stories, measures 7 ft. by 3 ft. wide. The 8.5-inch-thick sculpture was located under a 8 inch layer of debris. Sivone Vangkhonevilay, Deputy Director of Champassak Provincial Department of Information, Culture and Tourism, hailed the discovery of the piece, which was likely attached to a shrine gate. “This is considered to be the most special and rare discovery in our country that archeologists have ever made, particularly regarding the historical value of the sculpture.”