LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, December 1, 2001: Ex-Beatle George Harrison, stricken with cancer, passed away to the sonorous tone of Hare Krishna chants. He was a lifelong follower of Hindu philosophy and was associated with the Hare Krishna movement. By his bedside was sitar maestro Ravi Shankar, now 82, a father figure to Harrison. Ravi Shankar, who in many ways was introduced to the west by Harrison, had an aide call with a statement. “It was my sitar and Indian religion which connected me to George in the beginning. He was a friend, disciple, and son to me,” he said. “George was a brave and beautiful soul, full of love, childish humour and deep spirituality,” he continued, “He has left us with so many moments and memories in our lives that will remain with us forever.” Ravi Shankar’s daughter Anoushka spoke of a 1995 holiday in India when they spent Christmas and New Year’s together in Rajasthan and New Delhi with Harrison. It was to be Harrison’s last visit to his spiritual home. “He was so Indian,” Anoushka recalled, “So comfortably Indian.”