
INDIA, April 29, 2015 (Press Information Bureau): There are 1,076 temples and 250 mosques of national importance under the Archeological Survey of India (ASI) in the Country. There are 242 temples and 36 mosques from Karnataka under the ASI while 132 temples and 62 mosques from Uttar Pradesh fall under the same category. Madhya Pradesh has 96 temples and 20 mosques within the purview of ASI..

The year of construction in respect of temples and mosques under ASI varies from 4th to 19th Century for temples and 12th to 19th Century for mosques. The ancient temples and mosques declared of national importance are in fairly good state of preservation and maintenance. These are periodically conserved, scientifically preserved and maintained as per established principles of conservation as and when needed, subject to availability of resources.