
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND, June 11, 2015 (New Zealand Herald): Investigations have begun after Auckland Council upset the Hindu community by trying to hold the Auckland Diwali celebrations a month before the actual religious festival. Diwali, the Hindu festival celebrating victory of light over darkness, falls on November 11 this year. Traditionally, devotees observe Navratri, or nine nights of prayer and puja (rituals), to deities Durga, Saraswati and Lakshmi, before Diwali. This year Navratri falls in mid October. However, the council-controlled Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (Ateed) had planned to hold Diwali celebrations in the city in mid-October.

Veer Khar, president of the Manukau Indian Association, said that made “a mockery” of the religious festival and showed “grave disrespect” to devotees in Auckland. “As you can’t have Easter Monday before Good Friday, you should not even think of having Diwali before Navratri,” said Mr. Khar in an email to the event organizers. Ateed external relations general manager Steve Armitage said the agency worked with event partner Asia New Zealand Foundation to determine the timing of the festival. Yesterday, the foundation’s culture director, Jennifer King, confirmed alternative dates were now being looked at.