
UNITED STATES, June 12, 2015 (Press Release): The Hindu Students Council is pleased to announce that Pujya Swami Paramatmananda Sarawastiji as well as Pujya Swami Tattwamayanandaji accepted our invitation to address the Global Dharma Conference. Our volunteers have been working earnestly on major aspects of the Global Dharma Conference. We continue to expand our team of youth volunteers from around the country and have been engaging with various community members and leaders from New York/ New Jersey, to Atlanta, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco Bay Area, South Florida, Dallas and many other places to galvanize support for the conference. The Dharma Conference Committee is dedicated to providing the best spiritual experience for all its attendees. The Conference will take place from September 11-13, 2015 at the New Jersey Convention Center, Edison, New Jersey.

For updates on the Conference progress click source above.