NEW YORK, NEW YORK, December 9, 2001: This detailed article explores the influence of the Beatles and particularly George Harrison on the American spiritual landscape. “The evidence can be seen in every health club in America that offers yoga, every athlete who meditates before the game, everyone who shops at a holistic health food store, and every rock star who gives a benefit concert. It was George Harrison and the Beatles who popularized Eastern spirituality and later crafted a different role for the American rock star. He took Indian religious practices from being counter-culture weird to pop-culture cool.” ‘It would not have happened’ without Harrison, says Deepak Chopra, the Indian doctor who himself popularized so many Eastern concepts. ‘Overnight they made the world aware of Indian spirituality.’ ‘The Beatles opened the door for yoga to be accepted in a worldwide way,’ says Lilias Folan, an internationally known yoga teacher and author.”